Saturday, 23 August 2008

Perpetual Dawn

I attended an evening alt.worship event organised by Moot on the theme of perpetual dawn - dawn/night/new day...

This was a phenomenally high quality event - too high for the average congregation to attain: ten projectors with rolling animations, original poems and a work of art created as we watched. Having said this, it did work very effectively, demonstrating what can be done with multi-media and some careful thought. I was particularly impressed with the way they had produced a piece of quality reflective worship without depending on familiar clichés or asking for two much audience participation. It was possible to be present and to allow the event to wash over me.

I also liked the way each member had brought something to contribute; be it art, words or a song. This put me in mind of quaker worship or Paul's advice in 1 Corinthians. This was clearly alt.worship created through a collective process and it worked very well.