Saturday, 23 August 2008

Multi Sensory Evensong

I went to a multi sensory evensong put on by Visions. They had decided to put on a 1662 evensong with contemporary alt.worship music. It was a bit of a curates egg - good in parts. At its best it was very interesting - if not moving.

The best bits were the psalms, canticles and responses set to ambient or trance backing tracks - this (very nearly) worked very well... but could have done with a bit more punch when it came to delivery. I was quite taken by the way anglican chant seemed to fit with contemporary dance music. This could be worth exploring...

Overall this was a good try and I very much liked what they were trying to do, but I think this service suffered from a lack of confidence and overall slickness. Greenbelt can be a different venue for alternative worship so it would be unfair to be too critical.

I think this service could have been improved by a few more videos and visuals and a bit more thought about how to use Cramner's text. It would also have been good to see a bit more thought about space and movement. I was left wanting more...