Monday, 8 June 2009

Day to Reflect

As the results of the European Election come in this will be a day of reflection - and possible ructions in Westminster. Facebook and Twitter are filled with comments, most of which are concerned about the vote for the BNP:
sunny day today. although distressed to be living amongst so many bnp voters

It's a concern that even with all the coverage regarding politics, MP expenses, EEC accounts never balancing et al.....STILL only 35% voted

... is concerned to see that the BNP won two seats in the Euro elections. All main stream parties need to address why this happened ASAP

While other comments reflect a move to the right:
"the reason the bnp have won the seats is because the real british people can see what the future holds for our children -grandchildren if nothing is done to stop it"
This is a day for reflection but not panic. Here are the latest results from the BBC

UK Total MEP Seats

Votes MEPs
Party % +/- % Total +/-
CON 28.6 1.2 24 1
UKIP 17.4 0.5 13 1
LAB 15.3 -7.0 11 -5
LD 13.9 -1.1 10 1
GRN 8.7 2.5 2 0
BNP 6.5 1.4 2 2
PC 0.9 -0.1 1 0
SNP 0 0 0 0
SSP 0 0 0 0
OTH 8.6 2.7 0 0
63 of 69 seats declared.
Result excludes Northern Ireland.

On the basis that only 35% of the population voted, this means that only 2.275% of the population voted BNP, but 65% of the population thought that the whole thing was irrelevant or pointless - or that all MPs and MEPs are corrupt and self-interested.

This is an important crisis in British political life but the challenge is not a swing to the radical right wing, but a need to re-establish political integrity and a commitment to genuine public service. The solution is not knifing Gordon in the back, but something more profound - assuming our politicians have the neccessary courage. Let's pray for them all, they're going to need it!