Appendix B: Our Transition Plan
1. The aims of this transition plan are:
a. for as many parishes as possible to pay 80% of their ministry costs as de-
fined by the Diocese of Oxford by 2013
b. for the whole deanery collectively to pay 100% of their ministry costs by
2. We recognise that the diocese will increase deanery share payments by up to
7.5% each year. We also recognise that we will not pay this figure in full during
the course of this transition plan. We will however commit to:
a. pay up to £5000 from our reserves each year
b. keep the diocese informed about significant issues and changes. This will
include the production of a detailed annual statement.
3. We will increase parish share payments each year according to the following
a. parishes who pay less than 70% of their ministry costs will increase share
payments by 7.5%
b. parishes who pay between 70% and 79% of their ministry costs will in-
crease share payments by 6.5%
c. parishes who pay between 80% and 89% of their ministry costs will in-
crease share payments by 5.5%
d. parishes who pay between 90% and 99% of their ministry costs will in-
crease share payments by 4.5%
e. parishes who pay between 100% and 120% of their ministry costs will in-
crease share payments by 3.5% - the rate of projected overall share in-
f. parishes who pay more than 120% of their ministry costs will have their
share payments reduced to 120% of their ministry costs
g. in order to reach targets set for 2013 and 2018, parishes may have their
shares set at a higher level than this formula suggests, but any increase
above 7.5% will be made by negotiation.
4. Exceptions to this rule will be:
a. Whaddon Way: This is an ecumenical congregation without Anglican minis-
try. They are asked to pay a sum equivalent to the contributions made by
Baptist members to the Baptist Home Missions Fund.
b. Water Eaton: St Frideswide is a Local Shared Ministry congregation without
any local stipendiary ministry. They are asked to pay a sum equivalent to
20% of the cost of ministry associated with an Anglican stipendiary minister;
in other words, the proportion which pays for non-parochial rather than local
c. It is our expectation that similar formulas would be used if similar situations
occur in future.
5. Our deanery plan requires that all parishes must pay 80% of their ministry costs
as defined by the Diocese of Oxford by 2013, but that no church should be ex-
pected to pay more than 120% of their ministry costs. Those parishes who can-
not commit to this target will have their deployment numbers reduced.
6. It is possible for parishes to ask for a larger number of clergy, but they must
commit to pay the equivalent cost of ministry in full.
7. We are given the equivalent of four free posts by the Diocese of Oxford. This
subsidy will be used for the following purposes:
a. to pay for deanery level posts
b. to help reduce the parish share payments of churches in areas of depriva-
8. At the moment we deploy three and a half deanery level posts. It is our intention
that we will only require two and a half deanery level posts by 2013. This will be
equivalent to:
a. one post in the Christian Foundation
b. one half post for strategy/coordination (Area Dean)
c. one half post for mission/enabling (Successor to Development Chaplain)
d. one half post for training/nurture (Training Officer?)
9. Before 2013 it will not be possible to include the subsidy in any calculation of
parish share since we will be falling short of our targets by a considerable
amount. After 2013 it may be possible for us to consider a reduction in share
targets for parishes with areas of significant deprivation.
10. In order to help communications, the Deanery Finance Committee will offer a
rolling programme of PCC visits.
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