Tuesday, 18 December 2007

A Sore Head

I was awake half the night with a sore head, a bit of a feaver and a severely congested head - not pleasant...
Of course, this is the kind of job that you can't really take a day off from. I still need to get the kids to school and I can't really cancel my appointments for the day...
In the past, I have taken a funeral between bouts of dioreah... and a wedding while waiting to hurl... There are just some things you can't get out of... (Although I'm sure this comes under the category of too much information...)
Fortunately, my 11am appointment has just cancelled (because he has a cold) so I can take things reasonably easily this morning. I've got a reference to write and some papers to finish...
Finished Scripture Union themes for December 2008! So now I know what the reading will be next Christmas...
Another Christ the Sower Carol Service this afternoon... Year five and six...