Sunday, 16 December 2007

Psalm 146

Tune: Aurelia 76 76 D

1. O praise the Lord, O praise him!
As long as I shall live
I will declare God’s praises
for blessings he shall give.
Do not rely on princes,
for humans cannot save;
for when their breath is ended,
their plans go to the grave.

2. Blessèd are those whose future
is found in Jacob's Lord,
Creator God is with them
and justice their reward.
He’s with them in oppression
and sets the pris’ner free.
God gives food to the hungry
and makes the blind ones see.

3. God lifts the poor in spirit
and those who are alone,
the broken and forgotten,
God calls them all his own.
Your God shall reign forever.
Rejoice, Jerusalem!
And let all generations
proclaim the great Amen!

(c) Tim Norwood. This text can be reproduced without charge but may not be printed comercially without the permission of the author.