Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Good as New

Good as New: A Radical Retelling of the Scriptures
by John Henson

I don't usually rave about "contemporary retellings" of the Bible - except for humour value. The Message didn't do anything for me - although I love the Bible in limerick Verse...
This ought to be in the humour section of my bookshelf - particularly with its wonderful modernised biblical names - Gus for Gaius, Ron for Aaron, etc... But it avoids parody through a combination of compelling language and theological depth. The inclussion of the Gospel of Thomas is a brave choice that pays off...
Well worth a look - and useable in public reading. It's as readable as Walt Wangerin's, Book of God, and as dramatic as the Street Bible - and yet it makes you feel you are also wrestling with the Scriptures themsleves... I just wish he had done an Old Testament as well as the New...

Have a look