Sunday, 30 December 2007

Esther and Jason

Congratulations to Esther and Jason who got married at St Mary's on Saturday. They were both teahers at Christ the Sower, so it was great to do this wedding - even if it was on the Saturday between Christmas and New Year...
Iona came with me because Esther had been her teacher in year 2 and Esther's mum had been the TA when she was in Foundation at Glastonbury Thorn.
Unfortunatley this meant that I couldn't get to Catherine's wedding in Essex - which is a really big shame. Catherine, Andrew and I were the Edinburgh Root Group in 1989-90 and this was the last of our weddings. It would have been good to have been there, so many apologies to Cartherine. We'll need a reunion at some point...
Good News: The organ's reconnected at St Mary's! Sounds great!