Bank Holiday
It's a time for gardening and chilling out. But there are two Bank Holidays in May. I would like to invite you to join me and a coach load of others from MK to speak up for 700,000 people who are too afraid to speak up for themselves.
The campaign is "Strangers Into Citizens" – calling for a pathway to citizenship for those who have been waiting too long to hear about their asylum application, an earned amnesty or regularization for those who have settled into the UK community, made a contribution to our society but who do not have papers to be here. A couple of weeks ago a child was dragged out of school by armed police in Camberwell so our government could throw the whole family out of UK. They had been here for years paying taxes ! This sort of thing is happening every day. See
We are going to London on the 4th May – £10 for your place on the coach. It will be a family fun day and an opportunity to do other things in London. Do please pass on this message to others who live in MK. cheers Tim Clapton.