Thursday, 9 April 2009

Maundy Thursday in Oxford

Once a year, the Bishop of Oxford gathers lay ministers, deacons, priests and bishops in Oxford for a renewal of vows and to bless the oils. It's usually a great opportunity to catch up on old friends and have a bit of a jolly - in the midst of a busy Holy Week.

Bishop John was on fine form today and was careful to make this a positive an encouraging occasion - and not too long...

He started his sermon with the observation that many people, lay and ordained, find their ministry draining at times, and then asked four questions:
  1. What do you get up for in the morning? What are you passionate about?
  2. What is the biggest question that you're asking at the moment? What is you vision?
  3. What support do you need? Resources?
  4. Will you wash my feet? - a bit of a different kind of question - motivation?
Good questions for a spiritual MOT I suspect... What would your answers be?