Apparently SCE currently recycles 33% of its rubbish which is one percent better that the MK average. These three people have been given the job of increasing that to 50%.
See their web site: for more details and some useful links.
I'm not sure they knew what they were trying to achieve with the two of us as reps of the local church since their project is focussed on businesses and residents. Churches can be a bit business-like and involve a lot of residents - but are really communities so have a slightly different role...
We were at least able to talk about what we do and to encourage them in their project. They have been given the target of achieving 50% recycling by the end of March - which may be a little ambitious. Good luck to them and we wish them well.
On a related link it would be good to see some of our churches achieve Eco-Congregation status - and perhaps good to push the Generous campaign again...