Monday, 6 October 2008

LSM in Water Eaton

Andrew Gear and I met with the people of St Frideswide, Water Eaton, this morning for a six month review of their LSM project. We were delighted that around twenty people turned up and there was a great deal of excitement and buzz. We spent some time reflecting on what has gone well and on what challenges the congregation still faces. We then attempted to set some priorities for the coming year.

It was a very encouraging morning. It's clear that St Frideswide has grown in depth and in numbers during the past eighteen months as it has transitioned from a "priest led" parish to a "ministering community". There is a lot of energy and confidence in the community which is wonderful to see. Peter and Wendy, the asociate priests, are also keen to say that they feel welcomed and relaxed and free to be priests rather than burdened by heavy expectations.

This is the first review of one of our LSM pilots and it confirms what I have come to believe - that local ministry flourishes when space is created.

Well done St Frideswide's!