Sunday, 18 May 2008

Sunday Scouts

As I continue to find out how the other half live, today we once again avoided normal church life and opted instead to join a scout treasure hunt. 
This turned out to be a mad drive through the wilds of north Bucks following clues as we went. You'll be pleased to know that there were some ecclesiastical elements to the journey:
Which road in Little Horwood might the Vicar live on? (actually I happen to know that the Vicar of Little Horwood is the Rector of Mursley) - Church Street.
Who made this tree (photo provided) famous in Stony Stratford? Wesley (Unfortunately the photographed tree has been removed).
Where is the home of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost? - Holy Trinity Wolverton (the Car park was full so there must have been someone in).
We finished at the Quarries Scout Camp where I helped with the BBQ - swapping my normal Sunday Communion Table for a flaming altar of meat. I'm sure I was more in diaconal that priestly mode... but ministry was performed...
We weren't the only potential church attenders present (names and addresses will be provided to the appropriate Bishops).
Once again there were interesting parallels with usual Sunday practice. A group of people met, engaged in an activity through which learning took place. They ate corporately and tried to make small talk. Some people knew each other better than others and there was an inner group with their own established code of language and behaviour. Belonging could be achieved by making yourself useful - hence the cooking gear.
What am I learning about church and culture? - lots! How do I feel about it? - a bit confused...
How do we as Christians step out of our boxes and connect with the world around us? Does high-maintenance church prevent us from doing so? You tell me...