Saturday, 3 May 2008


This is the first full day when I'm officially on sabbatical - hooray!
In fact it was like any other quiet Saturday without a wedding or special event.
We did music centre and Iona had a birthday party. I cut the grass.
In the morning I had my first proper visit to the local gym. I ran for 20 minutes and rowed 5k.
The big difference was that I didn't feel the need to check emails and deal with a dozen minor items of admin - the normal process of sneaking work in around family life... An I didn't feel the faintest bit guilty - well, not much anyway...
We took Izzy in to see the Colectomania stalls. She was excited to see anything to do with Star Wars. I bought the Trivial Pursuit Star Wars set for £5 and we played it with Iona in the afternoon. We nearly finished the game before Doctor Who started. It was the second part of a Sontaran story. I've been looking forward to seeing Sontarans since the new run of Doctor Who started. They were my monster as a child. The first Doctor Who monster I remember and the one I hid behind the sofa to avoid. Great fun!