Monday, 19 May 2008

Ministry-shaped Questions...

I spent most of today wrestling with a thorny question, principally the need for an appropriate theology of ministry to help us with developing shared ministry in MK. It's not as easy as you think.
As far as I can see most approaches are either dualist - dividing the visible church from the invisible, the professional from the lay - or functional - identifying different roles for different individuals. There is also a tendency to focus on the "minister shaped hole" believed to be at the heart of every church...
Hence Robin Greenwood gives us an excellent theology of priesthood and our own John Pritchard tells us how it should work. I've also been looking at some fascinating books from the 1980s which are still relevant in many ways, but a million miles from the kind of collaborative ministry that we need to build...
I am drawn to Steven Crofts', Ministry in Three Dimensions, but am inclined to develop his concept of three "dimensions" as a model for understanding the expression of Christ's ministry through all creation - as a circle rather than a box...
As you can see, I'm having fun!

This evening it was time for another non-sabbatical activity - a wedding interview that should have happened a few weeks ago. It was a good session.