Wednesday, 26 March 2008


I had a meeting with Alison in the morning to plan the team's spring away day.
I then met with Margaret and Veronica to plan hymns for St Mary's. It's always a mind bending exercise but has enourmous value: it means that the choir, organist and pewsheet editor get the hymns before Saturday night; it reduces unnecesary repitition and it releases creativity since we can be more adventurous. In theory we can now relax for the next five months - except I'm only taking two of the services and will still need to choose hymns for other churches... such is life...
I had a long hard mind bending afternoon trying to put together some draft proposals for the DPC. Our deployment working group can't meet before the end of April, so we will be doing it all by email. This is never ideal and means you need to produce thorough drafts and then ammend them several times before everyone is happy...
In the evening I attended the Holy Cross Church Council at Ken's. This was the first time I've seen the great marmalade maker in his own house. We had a fairly good evening and finished at 9:10 which I consider a win!
I had intended to work when I got home, but got drawn into the Apprentice. All I can say is, I would have fired him...