Monday, 10 March 2008

Supporting Clergy in LEPs

Had a good session this afternoon with some colleagues from the Mission Partnership. We were discussing the thorny issue of Ministerial Review in LEPs. In the past the MP has asked two questions: 1) Is this post needed, and 2) is this the right person for the job - and these reviews have been tied to licence/term renewal.
The only problem with this is that these are the two questions we really can't ask. No one is going to say that a post isn't needed - it's up to the denominations to decide what posts they can afford and where best to put them - and there are a huge range of employment related problems related with decisions about renewal of posts...
We got to a good point in our discussion when we agreed that the main concern of the Mission Partnership is to provide support for clergy working in LEPs where the issues of different denominations intersect. I'm going to write this up as a concrete proposal for the exec...