Saturday, 8 March 2008

Diocesan Synod

At Diocesan Synod today (in High Wycombe) we had a great presidential address from Bishop John, who shared the beginnings of his vision for the Diocese. We wants to call it "Sharing Life plus" or "Sharing Life: Making a Difference".
He had a set of principles that he thought should be central
  • Not neglecting the past but building on it
  • Not so much structure as about culture - mission and spirituality
  • Not so much about structures as relationships
  • Not top-down but local
  • Not tragets but directions
  • Not one size fits all but flexible
  • Not complexity but elegance
He had five priorities that he invited us to share:
  1. Sustaining the Sacred Centre
  2. Making Disciples
  3. Making a Difference in Society
  4. Creating Vibrant Christian Communities
  5. Shaping Confident, Collaborative Leadership

In order to support the priorities, he suggested that we focus on:
  1. Deanery Development
  2. Sound Finances and a Steady Number of Stipendiary Clergy
  3. Light Touch, Supportive Central Services
Over the next few months, he wants to fine tune and develop this in conversation with Synod, so it will all become much clearer...
Most of the MK reps though this was great - since it all looked a bit familiar to them...

We also discussed Samuel Crowther, the first African Anglican Bishop, who's name we want adding to the list of commemorations in Common Worship. We also had a presentation from the Tomorrow Project, which is a great source of interesting facts. (Did you know, 40% of fresh water in the US is used to cool power stations? And by 2050 our livestock will be eating enough food to feed 2/5 of the world's population?)

It was a long synod and I didn't get home until after three. There were many (including Bp John) who wanted to get home for the Calcutta Cup - but they may have regretted this. (Lots of happy Welsh people around the place though...)