Saturday, 15 March 2008

Deanery Plan 2

We had a great meeting this afternoon of the Deanery Pastoral Committee with Bishop Alan, Archdeacon Karen and Andrew Gear (PDA). Some of our football focussed members made a real sacrifice to be there!

Our discussion focussed on how we are going to achieve our long term goals as a Deanery. Karen put forward a possible pattern for Deanery posts and Andrew challenged us to think in terms of Vision. I suggested a new Deanery Planning Process which would deal with vision and strategy in way we weren't capable of three years ago. This would fit in with Diocesan thinking about Deanery Planning Stage 2...

All in all, it was a good meeting, but I would have likes some more concrete decisions. The clock is now ticking for me to nail some of these before my sabatical begins in May. This means a lot of extra work over the next few weeks... The particular priority in the short term is to decide how to handle the post of Area Dean...