Sunday, 2 March 2008

Enlarging All Member Ministry

We've always been keen on lay ministry in the Watling Valley, but today was a high point even for us! The Mothering Sunday Service at St Mary's was prepared and lead by the young people from start to finish. The two worship leaders were simply stunning "front men", the drama (a Mike Geaney special called Spooky Sunday) was performed with Oscar winning performances and every possible role in the service was taken on by our young people. They received a much deserved round of applause at the end! It was a service that could have taught many "professionals" a thing or two...

The key point I take away is that worship so often lives when it comes from the people themselves. Professional worship leaders can give slick performances, but you can't beat the depth and feeling that you get when the worship is "owned" by the people who have the biggest stake in making it real. Yes, some things went wrong, and there were things that could have been improved, but who cares because it was a living piece of worship that everyone appreciated!