At Team Space Alison encouraged us to pray for the wider world...
I then had to attend the Presidents' Meeting to present our report for Local Shared Ministry which meant speaking to denominational big wigs about what we do, knowing that their perspective is a little wider. This was challenging, because I don't want to end up doing nothing because we're already doing it... (if that makes sense?)
Popped into St Andrew's Bookshop and discovered that Roland Allen's 1912 classic "Missionary Methods: St Paul's or Ours" has at last been reprinted. Alleluia! I'll finally get to read it. More soon...
Lunch time meeting with Ministers West - two very practical new ideas emerged which we may be acting on soon...
Spent the afternoon working through a huge pile of jobs (one of which I'd already done).
In the early evening Isla carried out a number of complicated tests on my brain. Ouch! My Head hurts!
In the evening we have the Deanery Finance Committee... Planning for 2009 begins now...