Monday, 10 March 2008

Early Morning Stormy Share Session

I woke up at four this morning with the storms and wind. Couldn't get to sleep again, so ended up answering the call of temptation to do some work...
It's great to get going on something at this time of the morning. You can get things done without interuption, so I spent a productive hour and a half tweaking our Deanery Share spreadsheet to incorporate the key principals that we decided to add at the last Deanery Finance Committee - in particular the decision to share the "Poverty Allowance" between the parishes according to the number of ministers and the decision to share the cost of "Deanery Ministry" on the same basis. This might sound like a small matter to you, but this is the kind of thing that will add a bit of transparancy to our finances and give us a process for funding Deanery mission and work...

Plus, I'd had plenty of sleep having colapsed into bed early after a dose of LOST...