Monday, 25 February 2008

Thinking Ahead

This is my first proper day back after the half-term week, although yesteday was fairly busy.
I managed to run 3.5 miles on the way back from school, which is always good, and dealt with some of the emails and messages hanging over from the week off. I've managed to work our a 10k route which I may try when I've got a free hour.
The day has been dominated by a meeting of the Deanery Leadership Team which had a fairly full agenda. Whaen we meet, we need to work through the various things that are going on. It's valueable time, and makes a real difference. There's a lot going on at the moment, so this was a fairly full meeting.
We did start to talk about Deanery Communications. One of the issues here is the request that has often been made that we find a way of feeding back what we're learning and also share some of the good ideas that are proving productive across the city. We are going to look at the possibility of revamping the Deanery Web Site (which was really created to diseminate copies of the deanery plan) and create something more interactive. Alongside this we're thinking of a monthly news sheet which might flag up articles on the web site and make sure key dates and information are properly circulated. We're going to look at this again next time we meet.

The rest of the day was dominated by sessions with ministers: Yvonne, Derek and Alastair. Mixed in with family time and odd jobs.