Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Images of Priesthood

At Team Space this morning we looked at the images of priesthood developed by Bishop John in his book, the Life and Work of a Priest. These range from "Spiritual Explorer" to "Weather-beaten witness". Bishop John's book is a wonderful exploration of what priesthood might involve, and has already become a must read for ordinands, but it does tend to focus on the activity of "professional" priests - which shouldn't be a suprise given the title...
In his introduction he admits that his descriptions are "a bit busy and breathless". We felt that no one individual could really be good at fullfilling all the various images of priesthood that he puts forward, which brought us back to the concept of the priesthood of all believers - with a shared concept of priestly ministry - originating in Christ and expressed in some way through "set aside" individuals.
More to explore...