I went to a surprisingly good Diocesan Synod meeting this morning with Jeremy and Mike.
There was a good and balanced discussion about Women Bishops which focussed on the need to respect minority opinions and challenged us to think about how diversity may be protected.
There was a nice piece of input from the new sub dean of the Cathedral who seems genuinely keen to open up the Cathedral to the wider diocese - and is willing to come out to places like Milton Keynes(!) to meet us...
Bishop John showed us a six minute trailer for a new video about the diocesan vision statement "Living Faith" - looking good! (Although I do wonder how much of Living Faith has been "borrowed" from "Being and Doing Church" - not only do we have circles arranged in a cross, we now have talk about business cards... still, it's going to be a lot more professional, so I look forward to borrowing some of it back...)
Didn't get back home until 2:30pm. Printed off some stickers for the book so that it's clear £5 form each copy will go to All Saints' re-ordering fund. I hope to take some more copies round to some churches tomorrow.
The girls were out so I spent some time in the garden digging in some compost and repairing the raspberry frame. We had a really good crop last year, so I'm hopeful that this year will be even better - must remember to put the nets back before the summer though! I also attempted to split the rhubarb in the hope of a larger crop. Isla wants to plant in gooseberry bush, which should squeeze in where the strawberries were - but we could really do with a bit more fruit space - I'm tempted to expand into our veg space...
Pizzas for tea and I then spent the evening preparing the agenda for the next Deanery Pastoral Committe while the girls watched the dancing - and then to bed...