Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Deanery Strategy Group

Deanery Strategy Group
The Work of the Group
At the January 2009 meeting of the Milton Keynes Deanery Synod, a small working group was set up to review our deanery plan and co-ordinate the production of a new one. We agreed that the small group would meet four times during the coming year and would ensure that a wider circle of groups and individuals would be included in the process.

The following dates have been set for meetings:
Meeting One: 26 February 2009- At this meeting the Strategy Group reviewed the existing documents and discussed the progress of the current deanery plan. (See notes of the meeting.)
Deanery Pastoral and Standing Committee: 18 March 2009 – The group will report to DPC and there will be a discussion.
Meeting Two: 23 April 2009 – The group looked at the Diocesan Strategy paper, Living Faith. It concluded that this document could provide the structure for our own...
Deanery Synod: 18 May 2009 – The Strategy Group reported to Deanery Synod and there was a discussion. Further comments are being sought from the wider deanery and our ecumenical partners.
Meeting Three: June 2009 - In the light of feedback from the deanery and our ecumenical partners the Deanery Strategy Group produced a rough draft of a deanery plan. This draft will be circulated to the DPC, DLT and DS members...
Deanery Pastoral and Standing Committee: 1 July 2009 – A rough draft plan will be presented to the DPC and there will be a discussion.
Meeting Four: 7 September 2009- In the light of any responses to our initial document, the group will attempt to finalise the draft and make it ready for Deanery Synod?
Presentation to Deanery Synod: 23 September 2009 – It is hoped that the plan will be approved at this meeting...

It is hoped that the Deanery Plan will become a living document which will be reviewed and rewritten on a regular basis. It would be sensible to form a new Deanery Strategy Group in 2010 to review our progress through the year and consider further development. Deanery planning should become a rolling programme…