Sunday, 22 February 2009

Milton Keynes Village

I went to Milton Keynes Village this morning and had a splendid time with the people of All Saints'.

There was some good news to report as well since not only do they now have a faculty for new toilets, they also have a £25,000 loan organised - to be repayed over five years. There was a great round of applause!

I preached about the Transfiguration and used my three disguised celebs as examples...

For those who were wondering (see Prep for Sunday) the celebs in question were: David Tennant, Duffy and Gordon Brown.

It took a few guesses (and a few removed articles of disguise) before people guessed David "Doctor Who" Tennant and Duffy "Three Brits", but Gordon Brown was spotted instantly - in spite of my attempt to make him look like Boris Johnson...

I won't repeat the whole sermon but it involved our human ability to recognise face - and by extension God at work in the world...

...and since this is the Sunday before Lent - I had to recommend that people practice their God recognition by attending a Lent course or two...