Sunday, 8 February 2009

Emergency Snow Plan

In some countries they have a rule (so I'm told) that on days like this when most people are snowed in that teachers go to their nearest school rather than travel. Not a bad idea in theory and would keep the schools open. Not sure if this is true or just a good idea, but it could be extended to sunday services - I had a brief replan in my mind this morning about who would go to which church  - it would have worked!

Since our car has been stuck in the garage since Wednesday I decided to walk to church this morning - All Saints' Loughton - 1.5 miles.

There was a brief moment when I didn't quite know where I was since the snow made everything look different - but I did get there in good time - followed after a few minutes by Isla and the girls with two Solloways...

I preached on perception, talking about the way we see things differently in the snow - how Rozi (and others) misread "Oat Crunchies" as "Cat Crunchies - and