Meeting Dates Set for 2009:
Meeting One: 26 February - Review documents and discuss the progress of the current plan. Moving forward, is there any data which may help us in our discussions? How will we include other people in this discussion?
Deanery Pastoral and Standing Committee: 18 March 2009 - Report to DPC. Discussion.
Meeting Two: 23 April - Look at the Diocesan Strategy paper, Living Faith. Can this help us?
Report to Deanery Synod: 18 May 2009 - We should also ask for comments from the wider deanery and from our ecumenical partners
Meeting Three: 9 June - In the light of feedback from the deanery and our ecumenical partners can we produce the rough draft of a deanery plan? What issues will it deal with? What data should it include? This draft could be circulated to the DPC, DLT and DS members...
Deanery Pastoral and Standing Committee: 1 July 2009 - Rough draft plan presented to the DPC at which there is a discussion.
Meeting Four: 7 September 7 - In the light of any responses to our initial document, can we finalise our draft and make it ready for Deanery Synod?
Presentation to Deanery Synod: 23 September 2009 - Plan approved...