by Kevin L. Thew Forrester
This is a wonderful little book by the Ministry Development Coordinator for the Diocese of North Michigan. It tells the story of Mutual Ministry in North Michigan (briefly) but also explores some of the underlying thought. He borrows heavily from feminist theology, and picks up Walt Winks' concept of "domination". He also hints at choas and organisation theory, implying that order emerges from chaos through a process of self-organisation. Hence church leaders should resist the temptation to impose order, since a liberated community will generate more creativity...
Although he does have a lot to say about the practicalities of Mutual Ministry, this is not a "how to" manual, so much as a "why do" introduction. Thew Forrester acknowledges that Mutual Ministry became possible to meet the needs of small rural communities, but sets out a strong and enthusiastic case for change based on a Christ-centred call for justice. Patriarchy and dominion are overcome by mutuality and awareness...
I liked this book, but recognise that the flow of his thought may not be to everyone's taste. Some of our more thoughtful reflector -theorists would probably love it, but some of my colleagues would wonder what he was talking about...
Jesus said, "I have called you friends..." Kevin Ther Forrester, would like to show us how to turn clerical domination structures into the kin-dom of heaven. Amen to that!