Monday, 30 June 2008

Deanery Finance Committee

I attended the Deanery Finance Committee tonight. This was a break in my sabbatical, but one that I'd planned back in April. The reason for the occasion is that the diocese has just released its figures for 2009, we are therefore able to set parish shares for 2009.
We found 3 mistakes in the diocesan figures. They don't affect our figures this year, but they might be significant for the future - and it would be daft for the diocese to budget for posts we no longer have...
We set our share allocation (most of it) following the formula we set in place last year. This moves slowly towards an 80% target in 2013 and a 100% target in 2018 - long term planning is the only way out of the MK muddle. We'll get there, as long as people can find the share we've negotiated...
There are a couple of parishes which we still need to talk to, so we can set an achievable target. We'll do that in the autumn.
It was good to see people again.