Sunday, 6 January 2008

A Day for New Beginnings

8:00am Holy Communion at All Saints'
First 8:00am service of the year.

9:00am Holy Communion at Holy Cross
Did the first part of the service at HolyCross - Phyllis did the second. There were quite a few people there this morning. Phyllis, Jeff and I are planning to meet.

10:30am Holy Communion at St Mary's
Big event at St Mary's. This was a joint service to celebrate the new building work. Liz preached, Tim presided, Nigel was worship leader and I "oversaw". We had a big procession arround the building with incence. We blessed the kitchen, vestry, loo and room. Great fun!
Not many people noticed, but we also have six new notice boards in the porch which look great. Michael Nelsey is busy taking photographs of everyone.
The loo still isn't connected, there's no water and no carpet in the church room, but it's a good moment to have a positive celebration. We'll have more opportunities in the next few months...

3:00pm Baptism of Rowan Morris
Rowan's baptism took place this afternoon. I did the prayers, but didn't have long to prepare. I think I spoke in gramatical sentences...

We had a quiet evening at home. Last pause before things really get busy!