Saturday, 16 May 2009

Holy Trinity Concert

Holy Trinity Church in Old Wolverton is hosting a summer concert by the Milton Keynes City Orchestra String Quartet

on Sunday 7th June . The church, part of the Wolverton Anglican benefice with sister town centre church St George’s, is a unique historical building set within the beautiful Ouse Valley Park overlooking the site of the medieval village and close to the famous 19th century Grand Union canal Iron Bridge aqueduct

The Quartet will be performing a selection of light classical and popular pieces starting at 7.30pm. There will be an opportunity to view the church and churchyard during the interval. Refreshments will be available.

Come and support the continuing life of this wonderful place and enjoy the professionalism and virtuosity of the region’s best known and respected players for what promises to be a memorable evening of entertainment

The church is off the Old Wolverton Rd, near the junction with Stratford Rd, and is part of the nationally important Ancient Scheduled Monument site with the adjacent Motte and Bailey castle. There has been a settlement on the site since pre Saxon times. The church works closely with the Milton Keynes Parks Trust who manage the surrounding parkland for the benefit of all residents and visitors to Milton Keynes. Popular for local marriages and with a growing range of activities and services, the church council hope this will be the first of a series of concerts to help secure the building’s future, extend and improve facilities for users and visitors, and carry out structural repairs to provide a continuing place of peace, prayer and fellowship for all.

Tickets are available on the door at £10 with concessions £5. Please telephone 07878 284451 for advance reservations and parking/access enquiries.

Press enquiries to Tim Edwards on 07961 135731 or Roger Wythe on 07710 415894

Contact the Milton Keynes City Orchestra on 01908 558311.