Friday, 7 November 2008

Christmas is here!

Friday is my day off so we popped into town for the morning. We sat in M&S (contemplating the 34.1% profit slump) and the effects of recession. From our point of view this seemed to mean that the coffee shop was quieter than usual and the coffee was actually hotter...

We made a list of essential Christmas present targets and then went hunting... By the end of the morning we had managed to find most of the necessary gifts for family and friends... Not bad for the 7th November!

This was also the first day of the Christmas displays in Midddleton Hall. We popped along to check that the nativity scene was on view. It was, so there won't be any complaints in the Citizen this year...

This years displays include twelve foot mushrooms, fairies, a train, a heltascelter and a tree with mirrors in it. We estimate that a family of four would bankrupt a minor high-street bank if they tried to do everything...

Merry Christmas one and all!