There's so much going on here at the moment with the Watling Valley Scenarios, the fresh expressions events, the Deaenry Plan and so on... It's going to be difficult to see the wood for the trees for a while... On the other hand, a lot of this activity is really good and I'm convinced we're heading in the right dirrection.
I'm feeling particularly positive about Growing with Christ - our new nurture programme in Watling Valley. We've had a good start but this will need some careful nurturing if we're going to embed it as part of our ongoing discipleship work...
I'm also pleased with the steady (and occasionally bumby) development of fresh expressions in Milton Keynes. The CafeChurch team and the FEAST Day are looking interesting, even if we had to cancel the msm course...
Alighned with these positive projects there are a whole host of other activities - some good, some less so. The thrick is going to be to find ways of managing time so that we can keep the show on the road while giving appropriate time to the good stuff - always harder than it sounds I know...
Anyway, this is just a blog ramble - which is what blogs are for. Normal service has been resumed, whether you want to read it or not...