Sunday, 20 September 2009

Church Openning at St Mary's

After the Biblothon in the summer there was enthusiasm to open St Mary's for the public on one morning each week. A rota of volunteers was organised and the church was opened up. They now have an A-frame notice board by both gates and free coffee and cakes available for passers by.
It's been great to pop in over the past couple of weeks and see this project develop. They've cleared the side chapel which is now set up for prayer (instead of being a junk room) with candles and chairs. They've also arranged for music to be played quietly in the background which creates a very warm and friendly atmosphere.
On one occasion I popped in and there were seven people - including a baby. The church feels open, friendly and alive.
This week we added morning prayer to the schedule on Wednesday and Thursday at 9:00am. Karen Reeves and I led one of these each with others helping out with readings.
Moving forward, we need to find ways of enabling people to make prayer requests - perhaps a little post-it board? Alison Baird is keen for morning prayer on Saturday in Advent - and the Service Planning Meeting have already been approached about a Wednesday evening communion...
It's great to see mid-week activity in this very pretty church. It feels like there's something important going on. It's all fairly simple and uncomplicated but that is often the most powerful thing when it comes to God-stuff. Well done St Mary's! - and I look forward to seeing how this all develops...