Saturday, 15 August 2009

Ski Camp

Iona finished a week of Ski Camp yesterday. She's done this whole five days of ski lessons and activities based at the Sno!Zone in CMK. This, of course, is one of the real treasures on MK - a huge real snow indoor ski slope...

We're really proud of Iona. She's managed to finish her level 5 now and can do parallel turns. She is in control all the way down the slope - and has even begun to tackle jumps!

The afternoons included indoor sky-diving with Airkix, a climbing wall, bowling and some wave riding at Willen Lake. Iona pointed out to me that she doesn't like school sport, but she's quite good at extreme sport... Oh dear... I begin to see the future mapped out here - my adrenelin loving ten year old with a passion for scouting and out-door activities is going to grow up into someone with fairly dangerous ideas about a good time...

If only we had the money she would be doing this kind of thing all the time! She'll just have to get a job... Good job scouting won't break the bank.