Saturday, 6 December 2008

All Saints Christmas Fair

This was another big "Christmas" day with music centre concerts in the morning, a fair in the afternoon and a ball in the evening. Iona and I were left at home for the concerts since she had already missed hers. Izzy, on the other hand, had two so she and Isla were out all morning.

Iona and I therefore had the job of preparing "splat the rat" for the Christmas Fair. Unfortunately, when I went up to the loft, it wasn't there! I think someone must have borrowed it...

We therefore spent the morning building a new improved "splat the rat" game - this time with three rats and a fixed drainpipe!

This was the day of All Saints' Christmas Fair - and it was a special one.

This was the first event in the newly refurbished Memorial Hall - which now has proper loos, lots of storage - and no mould on the walls! Hooray! In fact it's now a splendid resource which will be a real asset to this community.

This was also the launch of the All Saints' re-ordering fund - an ambitious plan to raise money for a major revamp of the church. This is a huge project which will eventually involve replacing the floor - which is in an abysmal state - with beautiful stone slabs with underfloor heating - which will enable the church to ditch the elderly dodgy heating system. Once this has done the old pews will also be replaced with comfortable modern chairs - enabling the church to put on services and events appropriate to the kind of community they are.

It's an ambitious project but they are making an excellent start - and Roger is leading the charge...

This afternoon we were on duty with "splat the rat" which isn't a big money spinner but does provide entertainment value...

In terms of fundraising this was probably a very good year. The raffle alone raised £1,200! I think this confirms what I've often said - people don't give to maintain things, but they do give for vision. I have every confidence that this project will be a success and look forward to seeing how a revamped building will release the potential of this energetic church.