Monday, 7 July 2008

Oxford Meetings

Had a good day in Oxford today.

I met with Beren to discuss Local Shared Ministry. We spent some time reflecting on the past two years of the LSM project in MK and thought a bit about the wider picture. We brainstormed on the theme of the different groups who are key to the debate and made a list of neccesary culture changes:

From Clericalism to Mutual Ministry
From Pyramids to Circles
From Delegation to Gift-led
From Volunteering to Calling
From Miniter Centred to Jesus Centred
From Exodus 18 to 1 Corinthians 12
From Control to Empowerment
From Community gathered around a Minister to Ministering Community
From Minister as Theologian to People as Theologians

We're spent some time thinking of possible strategies to promote such culture change. All good stuff...

This was followed by the Fresh Expressions Oversight Group at which we planned the February Vision Day, a gathering for practitioners and a series of leaflets...

A fairly busy day for a sabbatical...