Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Danny Wallace

One of the great things about living in a town like Milton Keynes is that you get the chance to attend author events. We've been to a few over the years. Tonight we went to see Danny Wallace launch his new book, Friends Like These. He introduced it, read a chapter and told us what happened when he tried to track down some of his childhood friends. It was a good event - very funny.
We've been Danny Wallace fans since he and Dave Gorman tried to find 50 Dave Gormans... I have a signed copy of Join me - which says I can I can still like Jesus and join Danny's Karma Army.
The girls became DG fans when he hosted Castaway. Danny's Diary was must see TV from their point of view. As Danny admitted, they may have been the shows only fans...
He was witty and charming as ever. Haven't read the book yet. Apparently it's not out officially until the third, but we've got one already! (Not suitable for younger readers, I suspect...)