Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Tuesday 27th November

9:00am - 11:00am Team Space (WVEP +2)
I was late for the Team because I had a couple of conversations at the school gate.
The discussion at Team Space was good, with an interesting debate about tradition and ecumenism. It was observed that even young people need structure and familiarity, but we struggle to deliver consistency in our context...
11:00am - 12:00noon Christmas Shopping
Not telling you what I'm buying for people.
12:00noon - 12:30pm Admin (WVEP +0.5)
Bits and pieces of emails, phone calls, etc... None of it will build the kingdom.
One good example is the time spent negotiating with an undertaker about which minister is going to take the funeral next Monday and how we'll involve our curate - only to discover later that it wasn't one of our funerals... Church members may be suprised how much time is spent on this kind of discussion...
12:30pm - 1:00pm Running
Managed my first run for two weeks - won't lengthen my life expectancy - but an achievement none the less. Aren't I doing well for work/life ballance this week?
1:00pm - 1:30pm More Admin (SMS +0.5)
Spent some time looking at the baptism service for St Mary's 11 O'clock. Trying to marry the Family Service produced by Steve and Paul with the Baptism liturgy used at All Saints. Will get back to this later...
1:30pm - 3:00pm School Visit (CtS +1.5)
Took robes in to Christ the Sower to show to year 4. Dressed a couple of teachers up. Great fun!
3:00pm - 4:00pm Home Communion (SMS +1)
Shared communion with Ron and Joy. Good to see them.

They gave me my first Christmas present of the year. Promised not to open it until the day... Wonder what it is?
8:00pm - 10:30pm Ecumenical Council (WVEP +2.5)
Didn't actually get there till 8:30 but did some preparation earlier.
Good discussion about priorities for 2008.
11:00pm - 11:30pm Admin (SMS +0.5)
Just have another look at that Baptism service...

Total Hours Worked: 8.5 (not bad!)
Hours worked for WVEP: 5
Hours worked for St Mary's: 2
Hourse worked for Christ the Sower: 1.5