Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Psalm 32

Tune: Spiritus Vitae 98 98

1. Blessèd are those who God gives freedom
from failure, brokenness and sin.
Blessèd are those who are made guiltless,
and with whom God can now begin.

2. When I was silent in my failure
I felt as though my life would end.
Your hand pressed heavily upon me
but now on you I must depend.

3. If I admit my failings to you
and do not seek to hide my sin;
If I confess my deepest weakness
you shall remove the guilt within.

4.  For this, the faithful sing your praises,
and in their need cry out to you.
For when the floods rise up to drown them
your endless grace will lead them through.

5. You are the one I seek for shelter -
my hiding place from all I fear.
You circle me with cries of rescue.
Your love will be forever near.

6.* Let us need not a bit or bridle
like horses have when they are lead.
God will himself instruct and guide us
helping us see the way ahead.

7.* Those who reject the Lord are helpless
but love surrounds the ones who trust.
Be glad and shout for joy, you righteous.
Rejoice and know that God is just.

Omit verses with * if only Psalm 32.1-7 is required.

(c) Tim Norwood. This text can be reproduced without charge but may not be printed comercially without the permission of the author.