Wednesday, 28 January 2009


I'm still trying to work out whether Twitter is worthwhile or not. It's basically Facebook - with everything removed except the updates. The key seems to be to connect your various feeds and networks... I'm now getting updates from a few people who don't Facebook but I'm not sure I've discovered any other uses yet... and microblogging hardly seems worth while when you do a daily blog anyway...


Bishop Alan Wilson said...

I've taken to using Twitter as my facebook feed... You're in good company. Guy Kawasaki did a piece in last week's New York Times explaining his relationship with Twitter — very dubious until he had a question about the originality of a tech project in a comp he was judging; solved in three minutes on Twitter. It's not the hottest thing since sliced bread, but I'm now about 80% convinced, if not quite a true believer!! I think it's only worth 5/10 mins a day, though.

Try secret tweet, too. That makes a great illustration for talks on prayer. At least did for me in Chesham last night...

anon said...

Twitter is more of a conversation than a blog. A blog is very much one way - albeit the comments allow some conversation, but still the main point of a blog is the posts. And the comments can be as lengthy and as in depth as the blog post. Twitter is all about the dialogue. Nothing in depth, no research, just chat. It's like IRC for the masses but filtered for just those you want to hear from.

TimN said...

Had a look at - it's not for the faint hearted! It feels like reading graffiti or engaging in inappropriate telepathy. I find myself wondering if all the entries are true - but if they are they reveal a great deal of hidden pain...
Anon is correct about the conversational nature of twittering - but I do feel that happens for me on Facebook or on my blog as well, so...
But I do remain on Twitter. I have it on open in my browser when I'm at the desk. My updates go through it and then onto Facebook, so it doesn't take any effort.
It's all fascinating stuff and I will keep reflecting...

TimN said...

...oh and the other comparison for secrettweet is, of course, the confessional...

Anonymous said...

What's your twitter handle Tim?